Unlock scalable data archiving with Versity & IBM

Reduce costs and scale seamlessly with our high-performance data storage solution for large-enterprise archives

Versity offers businesses a cutting-edge long-term data management solution tailored to IBM’s latest-generation tape libraries and enterprise drives. This relationship leverages ScoutAM’s software prowess and IBM’s hardware expertise to deliver a high-performance, secure, and cost-effective data storage solution ideal for large-scale enterprises with massive storage needs. With redundant storage capacity and scalable performance, this solution offers incredible value to backup and archival operations. This translates to significant cost savings and improved efficiency for businesses managing massive datasets.

IBM Validated Solution

Versity’s ScoutAM data archiving platform is an IBM validated storage solution, providing businesses with a trusted and verified long-term data management solution. This partnership brings together Versity’s innovative software solutions and IBM’s renowned hardware expertise, ensuring a reliable and efficient storage solution that meets the rigorous standards set by IBM. 

Key Benefits

Tape Storage Optimization

Leverage the economic benefits of tape storage with the advanced capabilities of ScoutAM software, complemented by the robust architecture of IBM tape library. This integrated solution is designed to optimize tape usage and reduce waste, translating into significant cost savings in terms of both hardware investments and operational expenses.

Scalability and Flexibility

IBM Tape Libraries and ScoutAM both offer a modular design that scales vertically and horizontally, allowing businesses to scale storage economically as needed. Policy-driven management can dynamically allocate resources based on changing data usage and business requirements, providing the ultimate flexibility and future proofing.

Enhanced Data Management

The integration of ScoutAM’s software with IBM Tape Libraries brings unprecedented control and automation to tape management, enhanced by IBM’s dynamic storage management capabilities. ScoutAM’s intuitive interface simplifies the complexity of data handling, providing users with efficient tools for data archiving, retrieval, and lifecycle management.

Robust Data Protection

Our joint solution prioritizes security and data integrity. IBM tape libraries provide tape technology with drive-level encryption, ensuring data is securely written and stored. Combined with ScoutAM’s WORM feature, granular access controls, and real-time monitoring features, organizations can safeguard their critical information against both internal and external threats. The combined solution has air gap capabilities for the ultimate data safety and protection.

Seamless Integration

ScoutAM’s software seamlessly integrates with existing IT environments, providing a unified view of tape resources across different tape library versions and media types. This newfound clarity empowers businesses to optimize their storage strategy and make informed data infrastructure decisions.

Use Cases

Large-Scale Backup and Archive

Ideal for organizations with extensive archival needs— such as media companies, libraries, and research institutions— this solution provides reliable, cost-efficient, long-term data preservation with easy access when needed.

High-Performance Computing

Support HPC applications with high-capacity and high-throughput storage that can relieve pressure from parallel filesystems and handle vast amounts of data generated by scientific research, financial modeling, and big data analytics.

Reliable Disaster Recovery

Ensure business continuity with robust disaster recovery capabilities. The joint solution offers durable and secure storage with an optional air-gap, protecting vital data against natural disasters, system failures, or cyber attacks.

Reference Architecture

Rise to the Challenge

Connect with Versity today to find out how we can tailor a solution to keep your organization’s data safe and accessible as you advance your mission.